Sunday, November 25, 2007

Updated: Lindsay, Owen's, and Elliot Lists


One of those tupperware popsicle molds (or any other brand is fine)

Gluten-free yummy snacks and stuff

Gift certificates to Whole Foods, Fred Meyer, Trader Joe’s or

Damien Rice CD “O” or “Nine”

Yankee Candles in any scent (I like fruity, citrus or sweet scents)

Books for my classes at Seattle U (ha!)

More to come...

Owen’s List

I made a wish list for Owen at this link of toys made in Europe (if the link doesn't work, go to and search "Bagley" on the wish list page)

Toys from Rosie Hippos (they have many toys NOT made in China)

Winter or spring clothes in 24 months/2T size

Elmo stuff

Children’s music CDs

Socks from Target or Old Navy in white or other colors – in 12-24 mos or the next size up

Elliot's list:

New winter hat or gloves for the ski hills,
Lowe's gift card for home improvement books,
Or fun items from

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