Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas family! Here's some pictures of our Christmas eve and Christmas day - we had lots of fun here today, just relaxing and sleeping in and going for an adventure walk with the dogs later in the day. Hope you guys all had a good one :)
Love Jesse and Bryan

Sunday, December 23, 2007

the day is almost upon us

So here is a thought or two. Can we keep the blog up even after the holidays? Some of us are thinking about Christmas in July and the blog would be helpful. It's also been fun and besides I think that all involved might like to take pics with their Secret Santa gift and post it to the blog.

Friday, December 14, 2007

give an elf a break

The people who have posted their lists are great but some of the elves don't know sizes or color preferences so it really helps the elf guys if some of the specifics accompany those items otherwise.......

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Christmas season at the Harvey Short Household

The Mazda has become familiar with December in Rochester.

Bustopher meets the tree.

Bustopher does further investigation.

Bustopher deems the tree (like most things) to be edible.


Spartacus prepares to meet the tree by sharpening his claws and his cage fighting skills.*

*There are no photos of him actually meeting the tree. Due to Spartacus' apparently desperate need for nuzzling, most times one is only able to capture a glimpse of cat-snout on film as the model launches himself towards the photographer's hand for petting. Also, the string handle on the camera is a most interesting toy. (see below)

And here is the tree after the cats approved it for decoration.
I just love the juxtaposition of our miniscule tree next to our gargantuan television.

(The giant electronic device pictured here was an early Christmas present from Greg. It was a VERY cheaply acquired hand-me-down from his office. )

Merry Almost Christmas!!
Megan, Greg, Bustopher, Spartacus

Friday, December 7, 2007

Shorty's List

  • Barnes and Noble Gift Certificate
  • Coffee (Regular Dunkin Donuts, or gourmet Ethiopian/Kenyan)
  • Golf Balls
  • Golf Towel
  • Socks
  • Pullover Fleece or Hooded Sweatshirt (fyi - fan of Yankees, Knicks, and Redskins)
  • 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle (396 or 454)

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Scott's List

1. socks
2. wooley buggers (flys for fishing, not socks)
3. gift certificate at AvidAngler.com
4. gift certificate at Cabelas.com
5. t-shirt
6. patagonia long underwear
7. llbean.com men's moc boot slippers size 10

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Phyllis's List

-Tea: Black or green and black combo

-Sudoku puzzles: favorite levels moderate to Hard (the demonic level is too frustrating, but most books have mixed levels so that’s ok)

-Cotton crew style socks: blue, tan, brown, cotton patterned socks in blues or tans

-soundtracks: Must Love Dogs, Grey’s anatomy (first volume,meaning it doesn't have a volume number), Notting Hill

-Other music: “Now that I’ve found you: a collection (Alison Krauss and Union Station), Andrew Lloyd webber collections

-Books: Elizabeth Cadell (these will be used only- older books, hard cover better but paperback ok, large print also ok) The Round Dozen, Out of the Rain, The Yellow Brick Road, Mrs Westerby changes course,
(also like: Six Impossible Things, The blue Sky of Spring, but they are hard to find at a reasonable price, so only if you find a great buy somewhere)

-Like vests also

-Lavendar products

-kiss my face chapstick

Elizabeth's List

Nordstrom Gift Card
Books - any good mysteries, new John Grisham, Clive Cussler, Michael Chrichton, old classics, adventure novels (I like the fictional kind that include factual history)
Anti-fog, tinted snow goggles for snowboarding and skiing.
Slippers - soft, cushy, comfy, wearable to get the mail.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Renicks List

- Wilson Indoor NCAA Basketball

- Athletic socks, normal, white/black
- White T-shirts

Gift Certificates
- Best Buy
- itunes
- Coscto
- Lowes/Home Depot/ Ace
- Trader Joes

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Updated: Lindsay, Owen's, and Elliot Lists


One of those tupperware popsicle molds (or any other brand is fine)

Gluten-free yummy snacks and stuff

Gift certificates to Whole Foods, Fred Meyer, Trader Joe’s or Glutenfree.com

Damien Rice CD “O” or “Nine”

Yankee Candles in any scent (I like fruity, citrus or sweet scents)

Books for my classes at Seattle U (ha!)

More to come...

Owen’s List

I made a wish list for Owen at this link of toys made in Europe (if the link doesn't work, go to oompa.com and search "Bagley" on the wish list page)

Toys from Rosie Hippos (they have many toys NOT made in China) www.rosiehippo.com

Winter or spring clothes in 24 months/2T size

Elmo stuff

Children’s music CDs

Socks from Target or Old Navy in white or other colors – in 12-24 mos or the next size up

Elliot's list:

New winter hat or gloves for the ski hills,
Lowe's gift card for home improvement books,
Or fun items from thinkgeek.org

Friday, November 16, 2007

Ho, ho, ho

I would like to take this opportunity to say thank to those of you that are participating but there still are some jolly people who have not posted lists. This does make it more difficult to be creative if the secret santa person has limited knowledge of their Christmas person.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Emily's List

Train Set

Harry Potter memorabilia (figurines, etc)

Hurley zip-up sweatshirt from Costco (size large in black, dark brown, dark blue or red)

WSU memorabilia - Flag, T-shirt(large), sweatshirt(large), etc.

Gift Cards to Best Buy, Old Navy, Costco

$ Towards our wedding/honeymoon

Personal training sessions with Dan at Studio 9

Friday, November 9, 2007

music, I love music

I know what is on my list. Make me a CD of your favorite music. I like all kinds.
I realized I need to be more specific. I was thinking of a CD that was not a commercially made CD. More along the lines of just a sampling you put together of your favorite music.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Jim's List

OK, here's the list:
1. 'Troubleshooting the Cast' by Ed Jaworowski. Available on Amazon.
2. Saltwater flies. Here are some crab patterns I'd like to try from Kaufmann's Streamborn online catalog:
Rag Head Crab - Size 2
Mathew's Foam Crab - Size 4
3. I like warm socks too! Size 9-12
4. Your favorite paperback book. Chances are I haven't read it.

Shaylee's List

Gift Certificates to: Target, Paper-Source, Best Buy, Amazon.com or Borders.

Letterpress calendar from Etsy.com (http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=7761449) If it's no longer available, the seller usually has re-posted it.

Letterpress stationary sets with floral designs


Any of the Grey's Anatomy season dvd sets

dangly earrings in any colors

Personal training sessions with Dan at Studio 9 on Hwy 9 in Woodinville

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

David's Xmas List

Nice Socks (smart wool,etc).

nice soap (vanilla, apple, spices, etc) maybe one from lush

or perhaps some from

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Lesley's List

Grill Cover
Trouser Socks - any color
LL Bean Gift Certificate (She needs a LARGE suitcase for the trip in March)
Shower Gel.

More to Come Shortly

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


But do you also know how to check to see if anybody left you comments on your post?! I'm so proud of you cousin - you have bested this beast :)

On the Greg side of things, I DID notice that he was up and running much sooner than you - he even beat Lindsay - and she's always on the ball! Consider him much elevated this year - i wonder what that will get him - perhaps some extra Wooden Spoons?????

Megan's List

Cool funky art! in all sizes, cool frames for cool art in all sizes

Cloth covered hangers

indoor/outdoor thermometer

stethescope (less than $50)

Tea lights (scented and unscented), Large jar candles (i like fruity or clean scents), Votive candles

Lined sticky notes all sizes, fine point sharpies -- any color, magnetic list pads

Riesling, Cabernet sauvignon, good (not expensive) French wine,

Wok, crock pot, Wooden Spoons!, Compilation of your favorite recipes, steak/cutting knives,

Gift certificates to: Rochester Spa – scott miller, shear ego, iTunes!!, Target, Marshalls, Barnes and Noble, PetCo.

DVD player
CD's: Garth Brooks (compilation), fun homemade driving CD's,

External Hard Drive, Memory Stick (have two full ones already), Photo printing paper for HP PSC 1610

Cute sheets for queen bed -- black and white, light green, tan. Fun patterns -- especially modern paisley.

Fun children's books (for me and my far off future children.)

lotions and sprays from Bath and Body Works in Sweet Pea, Magnolia, White Cherry Blossom, Wild Honeysuckle, Gardenia, Fresh Pineapple, White tea and ginger, Tropical Passionfruit :)yum

A large fluffy dog that does not shed and behaves well in small spaces and knows how to let itself in and out through three doors to pee.


congratulations, you are all bearing witness to my first use of these so called "blog" things that Jesse (the smarter cousin) seems to have mastered. It has taken some effort, but i now seem to understand how to read and post on this system. This is quite an accomplishment for one day.
I think the cats spend their time secretly blogging while I am not around, and that is why they sleep the rest of the time -- because they are so exhausted.
I would also like to note that Greg knew about and joined this blog way before I did, which quite possibly elevates his "Woods-Christianson" status above mine this holiday season.
Lovely to see you all here in this electronic forum. I shall now go and rustle up a christmas list and post it for your enjoyment.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Bryan's List

I'm posting in proxy for Bryan so any questions that might come up, please feel free to direct towards him, as he might know better about what he wants than i do. (hahahaha then again, maybe not!)

Gift Certificate to Lowes. We practically live here and are always giving them parts of our paychecks. gift cards would be awesome.

Flannel Pj bottoms

Slippers - the pair he has now are ratty and a little worn from so much lovin on the bottoms. Their just basic man slippers, of the moccasin variety, navy blue. Basically what I'm suggesting here with the above information is slippers that aren't large and fluffy with animal heads that make sounds when you walk. Just a suggestion though =)

A remote control helicopter

Prints of pictures that he likes (you can ask me for these)

Books: Age of Turbulence by Alan Greenspan. Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. Cool It: The Skeptical Environmentalist's Guide to Global Warming by Bjorn Lomborg. Bryan reads a lot anyway, so feel free to go out on a limb if you're inspired =)

SouthPark Dvds
300 dvd

Jesse's List

So I'll go first. I'll be the shameless yuletide enthusiast. Here she is - but check back every now and then, I'm sure there will be updates =)

Gift cards to barnes and noble, bath and body works, petsmart, victorias secret, etc.

Wooden Spoon

Frames - all sizes and colors!!!

SUbscription to the smithsonian

A travel mug filled with pictures of family like grandma has

Pictures of family so i can frame them and put them up.

Copy of that picture of Aunt Mildred in her dress on graduation day.

Anything from my amazon wish list (note: i welcome and encourage these to be used items from the list {except for shoes hahaha} but really, i love used books and movies, and they are sooooo so much cheaper. More bang for your buck!) http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/2GF5JT226MU63/

Gift cards to Anthropologie, Jcrew, Target, Starbucks, William Sonoma, Pottery barn, Lands End, etc

A subscription to Real Simple or National Geographic, or The Economist

flannel queen comforter cover in white, or pretty blue.

Flannel sheets for a queen size bed that are extra deep in the corners in white or any pretty colors.

Any piece of jewelery from this etsy shop.
Pretty jewelery of any kind (rings, earrings, necklaces) that are basic and classic.

Candles (i love apple, vanilla, and cider scents)

Prints of pictures i like to put up around the house ( you can ask bryan if you need to know what these are... )

Any Lu-ray dishware you may stumble upon

Pretty calendars for 2008 (pike place market, northwest, oregon, monet, old maps)

Saturday, October 13, 2007

just like the NBA draft picks

I bet it could really confuse things if we all did trades. I am just smiling when I imagine that I wouldn't remember who I had by the time it came time to shop, not that I haven't already. But, for example, I could exchange the name I drew with Bryan for his name and then he could trade that name with Emily for the name she drew. I just thought it was a funny thought. Just like the NBA.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

hooray for christmas

I think this is great I just hope that I can keep up. Just remember we are all geeks, just some more than others.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

New People

Okay, You'll all be getting emails shortly telling you who your person is, so go ahead and ignore the list below. Sorry for the confusion.

And, shhhh, don't tell anyone - its a secret! Contact me if you didn't get my email...



I left you a comment on your post :) this is so cool. Anyway - peeps can either send me their lists to post or post them themselves - either is fine.

I'm thinking i may redo the draw and make it secret. I'll let you know either way..


So geeky

Alright now I know it's the end.....our families are blogging x-mas lists? So dorky. Anyways where are peoples lists? I see nothing here so far? Look cool blue type!!!

Secret Santas

Good morning~

I've gotten some suggestions that it would be fun to make the gift exchange secret - given the super secret equation we set up to do the original drawing, it would be really easy to just re-do it and send people in e-mail who they have (but not let others know).

Does that sound better?

Let me know, and i'll do a re-draw, that is unless of course someone went out and bought a present in the past 12 hours for their currently assigned person :)


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Dad, Is this what this year's Christmas Tree will be like?

Hello and Welcome to Xmas Blog!

Hi there Fam :) Hope you all found the blog ok. I'll fiddle with the important stuff like fonts and colors a little later on - now for the real information!

So i set up this blog so we can track/talk/post Xmas lists etc coming into the holidays. Since we're trying this new gift exchange idea, i thought it would be a neat way to keep up with all the additions to lists and new ideas that people come up with throughout the year. Anybody can post as they wish - you just have to go to the site, sign in, and click "new post" - then when you're done writing, click publish post. I believe an email invite has been sent out to you all which you can follow to make your own passwords, etc. Anyway, you dont have to post, but i'll try and keep things updated here so you can peek in every now and then and see what we're all up to.

now for the good stuff. living with an engineer has multiple perks, but one of them is their super awesome way of doing everything, so bryan and i came up with a perfect random selection for drawing names - and here are the results!

Elliot buys for Jesse
Shaylee buys for Jim
Megan buys for David
Lindsay buys for Renick
Greg buys for Bryan
Scott buys for Susan
Phyllis buys for Lesley
Emily buys for Elizabeth

Susan buys for Phyllis
Jim buys for Shaylee
Elizabeth buys for Lindsay
Bryan buys for Scott
Jesse buys for Megan
David buys for Elliot
Lesley buys for Greg
Renick buys for Emily

Look okay to everyone? Any questions? Did I miss anybody? I went ahead and took Owen and Gma off the list and added Jim, as I'm sure Owen and Gma will be getting presents despite their participation in the exchange itself :) Remember, the $ limit is capped at around $40-$50.
So go ahead and send me and email if you have any questions or better yet, make a comment or post your own blog entry!
