Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Phyllis's List

-Tea: Black or green and black combo

-Sudoku puzzles: favorite levels moderate to Hard (the demonic level is too frustrating, but most books have mixed levels so that’s ok)

-Cotton crew style socks: blue, tan, brown, cotton patterned socks in blues or tans

-soundtracks: Must Love Dogs, Grey’s anatomy (first volume,meaning it doesn't have a volume number), Notting Hill

-Other music: “Now that I’ve found you: a collection (Alison Krauss and Union Station), Andrew Lloyd webber collections

-Books: Elizabeth Cadell (these will be used only- older books, hard cover better but paperback ok, large print also ok) The Round Dozen, Out of the Rain, The Yellow Brick Road, Mrs Westerby changes course,
(also like: Six Impossible Things, The blue Sky of Spring, but they are hard to find at a reasonable price, so only if you find a great buy somewhere)

-Like vests also

-Lavendar products

-kiss my face chapstick

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