Wednesday, October 24, 2007


congratulations, you are all bearing witness to my first use of these so called "blog" things that Jesse (the smarter cousin) seems to have mastered. It has taken some effort, but i now seem to understand how to read and post on this system. This is quite an accomplishment for one day.
I think the cats spend their time secretly blogging while I am not around, and that is why they sleep the rest of the time -- because they are so exhausted.
I would also like to note that Greg knew about and joined this blog way before I did, which quite possibly elevates his "Woods-Christianson" status above mine this holiday season.
Lovely to see you all here in this electronic forum. I shall now go and rustle up a christmas list and post it for your enjoyment.

1 comment:

Jesse said...

I cant't wait to see your list! and i will let you know if i catch your kitties blogging..