Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Hello and Welcome to Xmas Blog!

Hi there Fam :) Hope you all found the blog ok. I'll fiddle with the important stuff like fonts and colors a little later on - now for the real information!

So i set up this blog so we can track/talk/post Xmas lists etc coming into the holidays. Since we're trying this new gift exchange idea, i thought it would be a neat way to keep up with all the additions to lists and new ideas that people come up with throughout the year. Anybody can post as they wish - you just have to go to the site, sign in, and click "new post" - then when you're done writing, click publish post. I believe an email invite has been sent out to you all which you can follow to make your own passwords, etc. Anyway, you dont have to post, but i'll try and keep things updated here so you can peek in every now and then and see what we're all up to.

now for the good stuff. living with an engineer has multiple perks, but one of them is their super awesome way of doing everything, so bryan and i came up with a perfect random selection for drawing names - and here are the results!

Elliot buys for Jesse
Shaylee buys for Jim
Megan buys for David
Lindsay buys for Renick
Greg buys for Bryan
Scott buys for Susan
Phyllis buys for Lesley
Emily buys for Elizabeth

Susan buys for Phyllis
Jim buys for Shaylee
Elizabeth buys for Lindsay
Bryan buys for Scott
Jesse buys for Megan
David buys for Elliot
Lesley buys for Greg
Renick buys for Emily

Look okay to everyone? Any questions? Did I miss anybody? I went ahead and took Owen and Gma off the list and added Jim, as I'm sure Owen and Gma will be getting presents despite their participation in the exchange itself :) Remember, the $ limit is capped at around $40-$50.
So go ahead and send me and email if you have any questions or better yet, make a comment or post your own blog entry!


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